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Showing posts with the label LAWS

Virtue and law come to walimatul Ursy

MUSLIMCREED In society, Walimatul Ursy is often referred to as a wedding reception. Walimatul Ursy itself is interpreted as an event of thanksgiving to Allah SWT for the implementation of the marria…

The law, types and dangers of adultery

MUSLIMCREED  In Islam there are things that should not be done because it will cause sin for the servant. Of the many things that should not be done, one of which is not allowed to commit adultery. I…

Sharia Law Must Be Analyzed There is Good in It

Muslimcreed - Islam is not just about punishing sins; it has very good teachings that promote goodness and encourage its followers to be more virtuous individuals as well as good citizens. This artic…

Understanding Umrah, Terms, and Laws

Muslim Creed - As a Muslim, we must understand the meaning of Umrah, its problems and laws. Inning accordance with Arabic, Umrah means to visit or make a trip. On the other hand, inning accordance w…

The Law of Begging According to Islamic Shari'ah

A Muslim can only rely on Allah for his hope and help. This is how a Muslim should make Allah a dependent. And whoever hopes in Allah, surely promises that he will never be disappointed. Allah swt …

The law helps each other in bad and sin

The law please help in bad and sin Islam teaches its people to always help in everything that can be done. But please help in terms of committing a sin, it is forbidden by religion and prohibited by …

Give thanks to God by carrying out religious worship

Give thanks to God by carrying out religious worship Aqiqah is the right of a child whose parents have fulfilled it. This religious worship can be done from the time the child is born until before re…

Be careful, friend, don't let us accuse Zina

Be careful, friend, don't let us accuse Zina Adultery is one of the major sins that has a limited punishment. The consequences of the punishment are no joke. If the adulterer is married, the puni…