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Showing posts with the label adab

The adab of sneezing and yawning in Islam that we must know

Muslimcreed - Prayer when sneezing is important to be read by Muslims. Because, prayer and etiquette of sneezing has been explained in the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad. Then, what are the etique…

The definition of adab according to experts and its function in everyday life

Muslimcreed.com - Adab has a meaning of politeness, friendliness, and refinement of character. Adab is closely related to morals or commendable behavior. Linguists also mostly mention that adab is …

10 Adab to Seek Knowledge in Islam

One of the adab taught in Islam is the adab of seeking knowledge. Yes, adab in studying is very necessary. Even Imam Malik (may Allah be pleased with him) once said to the Quraysh, "Learn etiq…

Adab of a child to parents in Islam

Adab of a child to parents in Islam In the teachings of Islam, the rules regarding the manners of a child to his parents are very emphasized. This of course means that children can respect and be d…