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Showing posts with the label Benefits of Making Dhikr

5 Benefits that we will get when reading Surah Al-Kahf Regularly

Muslimcreed - In Islam, it is not only prayers and fasting that have benefits, reading the Qur'an regularly can also provide its own benefits for Muslims. There are many benefits that can be ob…

Definition, types, and benefits of khiyar in life

Muslimcreed - When making buying and selling transactions, there must be ethics or a rule. In Islam, the rules of buying and selling transactions are also known as khiyar. Khiyar itself consists …

The Benefits of Making Dhikr in the Morning and Evening

Muslimcreed - After completing the Fardhu prayer, we are also advised to do dhikr to Him as well. Then how and what are the dhikrs that have been taught by the Prophet? Let us take a look at them now…