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Showing posts with the label LEARNING

Learning more about the Salaf and Khalaf

Meaning of Salaf and khalaf Muslimcreed - In guide of Tuhfah al-Putri and the Book of Raudlah al-Ulama, the meaning of ulama is discussed. In Arabic, words ulama is the plural form of words 'alim…

The virtues and requirements for studying to increase the spirit of learning

Muslimcreed.com - Islam was revealed as compassion for the universe (rahmatan lil 'alamin) and this can only be done by people who have knowledge. That is why Allah SWT and Rasulullah SAW obli…


103Skip to 1 minute and 3 seconds As part of this course you will learn about the background of islamic calligraphy and some basic techniques on how to write your own. It includes Arabic Calligraphy…


The modules explore various aspects of Islamic worship including the value of prayer mental and physical preparation for prayer key actions and meanings establishing routines and how to establish a …