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Showing posts with the label ABU BAKR

The story of the Prophet's Friend who is an example: Abu Bakar Ash-Siddiq

MUSLIMCREED.COM After the death of the Prophet Muhammad saw that the Prophet's friends who received the Khulafaur Rasyidin title received instructions sent to replace the Prophet's leadersh…

The firmness of faith of Abu Bakr As-Siddiq's friend

Muslimcreed - In the early days of the sending of the Prophet Muhammad, he preached Islam in the city of Mecca in secret, for reasons of safety, the Muslims at that time also hid their Islam. Until w…

The Story of Abu Bakr Gets the Nickname Ash-Siddiq and Al-'Atiq

The Story of Abu Bakr Ra Muslim Creed - The story of Abu Bakr who was nick named Ash-Siddiq and Al-'Atiq is very interesting for Muslims to know. This can be a provision to be more pious to Alla…