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Showing posts with the label HALAL

10 Tips for Choosing the Best Islamic Food

Muslimcreed - The search for halal food and halal restaurants can be difficult, especially if you’re not familiar with what to look for. Halal food has to meet certain requirements in order to be con…

Working in Insurance: Is It Haram or Halal?

Muslimcreed.com - Is Working in Insurance Haram? Are There Any Islamic Guidelines on the Workings of Insurance? What about Selling Insurance Products, Is It Halal or Haram? These are all questions th…

Halal Deeds That God Really Hates

Domestic life that can no longer be maintained by a married couple usually ends in divorce. While in Islam, divorce is known as talak. TAFSIR Al Misbah episode 27 begins the discussion of a new sur…


In Islamic banking it has become a term for both a marked-up price and deferred payment a way of financing a good home car business supplies etc whereby the bank buys the good and resells it to the …