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Showing posts with the label STORIES

The Wisdom of the Story of Bal'am bin Ba'ura

The Wisdom of the Story of Bal'am bin Ba'ura, The Ulama who Defends the Dzolim Ruler for the World's Treasure Ilustration Muslim Creed - This story is taken around the story of the Childr…

Humans as caliph of Allah on earth

Ilustration The existence of humans as God's creatures on this earth has an important role in its function as caliphs on earth. Allah not only regulates life related to worshiping Allah, but Alla…

Prohibition of being unemployed and the promise of Allah SWT for those who try

Ilustration Entering 2022, many ustadz are giving advice and advice to Muslims to continue working for good. This is in line with the Word of Allah SWT in the Qur'an, which is the guideline fo…

Story Abdul Malik Qasim with George in New Year (george was shocked to see the qurban cut)

Story Abdul Malik Qasim with George in New Year  Ilustration Abdul Malik Qasim, tells the story of a tall, broad, American youth over 50 years of George Toll, who tells the story in his book Healt…


WHEN YOU DELAY PRAYER There was a woman who asked Mufti : "How do I wake up my sleeping children for the Fajr prayer?" The Mufti replied to the woman : "What would you do if your hous…

Islamic short story: love is not enough until death

Love Story in Islam Ilustration Islamic short story: love is not enough until death "I want us to have our own house, it's small, it's okay, the important thing is that there is a male…