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Showing posts with the label HEART

Heart disease in Islam that a Muslim should avoid

Muslimcreed.com - When mentioning or discussing liver illness in an Islamic point of view, usually what is meant isn't physical liver illness such as hepatitis, liver, cirrhosis, and so forth. I…

The cause of the heart becomes restless

Muslimcreed - Every human being is inseparable from various life problems that occur, whether it is a mild problem to a fairly heavy problem. When a person is overwhelmed by feelings of anxiety, …

Signs of a dead heart, number 2 often goes unnoticed

Muslimcreed - The heart is a place for interaction between humans and God and humans. The heart is a reflection of a person in his outward form. As the heart if it dies, the process of its life wi…

O people, look at your heart!!

Muslim creed - So the heart is like a king who moves the body to do its deeds, if the heart is a good heart then the whole body will be moved to do good things, while if the heart is a bad heart th…

How to Clean the Heart-Based upon Islamic Teachings

The heart is a representation of all human activities. Therefore, the tidiness of the heart is an outright point that needs to be maintained by everybody. If an individual can maintain his heart cle…


Recite Durood Shareef 15 times and pray to soften the heart of the person you want. First have a bath and perform wuzu. Pin On Powerful Duas Wazifa Amal Taweez Dua For Making Someone Love You. IS…