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Showing posts with the label ISLAMIC

The Beauty of Life in the Color of Islam

Muslimcreed - Every human in the world certainly desires a beautiful and enjoyable life. The beautiful and pleasant life they want is certainly not just limited in this globe but also in the hereaf…

Learning more about the Salaf and Khalaf

Meaning of Salaf and khalaf Muslimcreed - In guide of Tuhfah al-Putri and the Book of Raudlah al-Ulama, the meaning of ulama is discussed. In Arabic, words ulama is the plural form of words 'alim…

The Sincerity and Cleverness of the Prophet Muhammad as an Investor

This is the tale of the sincerity and cleverness of the Prophet Muhammad in trading. Muslimcreed - There's a saying that says, "9 from 10 doors of nourishment are found in the profession.&qu…

The Characteristics of Hypocrites We Often Don't Realize Their Existence

MUSLIMCREED - Have you ever shared a secret that you thought was quite private to someone because that person promised not to tell your secret to anyone else? However, when you, who already feel sa…

The life history of the Prophet Saleh AS and the story of his missionary journey

Muslimcreed - For those of you who are Muslim, you must understand who it is and how many prophets and apostles must be known? Generally, the number of Prophets and Apostles that must be known is …

Miracles of the pious prophet and punishment for the Thamud

The denial of the Thamud to the Prophet Saleh AS Muslimcreed - As stated at the beginning, the Thamud people highly respected and respected the Prophet Saleh AS. This is because the Thamud thought …


Muslimcreed - As a Muslim, if any of our relatives or other Muslims are sick, we are encouraged to visit them. below we will briefly discuss ethics towards the sick. Ethics towards people who are sic…


Among the ethics of dealing with people who are nearing death are: 1. If there are signs of death, it is recommended that the sick person be laid to the right facing the Qiblah like the position o…

5 Tales of Charitable and Smart Ladies in the Age of the Prophet

Muslimcreed.com - Since the moment of the prophet, ladies have played an important role in global background, national politics, hadith, and profession. However, the tales of smart and charitable lad…

7 rules for showering this corpse

Muslimcreed.com - Among the responsibilities of Muslims to their departed family members is to look after the corpse. This consists of showering, shrouding, hoping, and burying. From these actions, …

9 Fast Ways to Remember the Quran Easily for Children and Teenagers, Let's Instruct it at Home!

Muslimcreed.com - Estimated to the Journal of Islamic Education and learning of the AsySyafiiyyah Islamic College, remembering the Koran is very simple if one prepares. This can be done by enhancing…

25 Islamic Wedding Prayers That Bring True blessings to the Bride

Muslimcreed.com - The Islamic wedding petition provided can be through a direct speech by mouth. Or, you can write it down on a wedding event card gone along with a wedding event present. With the p…

Atikah, A Charitable Female Friend and Expert in Hadith

Muslimcreed.com - When the Carrier of Allah (SAW) passed away, it was the buddies and the Sahabiyah that gave the choice or fatwa using the hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad. The hadiths of the Prophe…

Complete! This is how to hope when ill

Muslimcreed.com - The petition is the essential worship for each Muslim. In a day, we must hope 5 times. Individuals that are affected by the concern of the Shari'a (Muslim, baligh, smart) must i…