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Showing posts with the label HISTORY

The Story of Imam Ahmad's Resilience in Facing Cross-Regime Intimidation

MUSLIMCREED Imam Ahmad is the founder of one of the schools of fiqh that still exists today, the Hambali school. The determination of this Iraqi cleric deserves thumbs up. He had met four generati…

Anger in Islam and how to control it

MUSLIMCREED In the Qur'an, anger is shown in the story of Prophet Musa and Prophet Yunus who are shown in different forms of anger. This is stated in the letter Al-A'raf verse 150 This verse …

Inspirational Story of Imam Ahmad's Disciples: Even Beggars Are Done to Keep Learning

MUSLIMCREED In history, there are many stories that have been used as inspiration or motivation for our lives, this is very much needed because it can make our lives better and be grateful. One of t…

The Story Of The Thief Who Made Hasan Al Bana Realize The Importance Of Keeping Knowledge In His Heart

Muslimcreed - Hasan Al Bana is a prominent Muslim scholar who is known to collect thousands of books in his library. Until one day, Hasan Al Bana's house was infiltrated by a thief who wanted to …

The story of the Prophet's Friend who is an example: Abu Bakar Ash-Siddiq

MUSLIMCREED.COM After the death of the Prophet Muhammad saw that the Prophet's friends who received the Khulafaur Rasyidin title received instructions sent to replace the Prophet's leadersh…


Muslimcreed.com - Thoriqoh or tarekat literally means "way". On the other hand, in terms, Mutashowwifīn is specified as the course taken by a slave for the enjoyment of Allah Subḥānahu wa …

Azazil's tale, from the leader of angels to being cursed by Allah SWT to be an evil one

MUSLIMCREED.COM - Before Adam was produced, Allah SWT produced angels and jinn.  Amongst the 3 animals, we understand the name of the evil one. Quraish Shihab in his book, The Hidden: Jinns, Evil on…

Understanding the Mushaf and the Form of Fiqh Mushaf from Time to Time

Muslimcreed - Have you ever heard the words Pocket Mushaf or Al-Qur'an Mushaf? So, what is a mushaf and how is it different from the Qur'an? For Muslims, the word mushaf may be familiar bec…

The tale of Abu Hurairah, the narrator of one of the most hadiths

Illustration of Abu Hurairah while writing hadith Muslimcreed - Abu Hurairah was a buddy of the Prophet that was known to have told one of the most hadiths compared with various other buddies. Befo…

The Heart Touching Story of the Necklace of Sayyida Fatimah Zahra

Muslim Creed - The necklace was gifted to Sayyida Fatimah Zahra (the daughter of the Prophet Muhammad and his first wife Khadija) by her father when she was very young. The necklace consists of thre…

Unbelievable True Story About The Keys Of Kaaba

Muslim Creed - What are the Keys of Kaaba? The Keys of Kaaba are two precious silver keys that Muslim pilgrims walk seven times around the Kaaba or House of God in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. It’s not just…

Prophet Adam's First Footprint Is In Sri Lanka!

Muslim Creed - Prophet Adam (AS) first footprint was found in Sri Lanka, as revealed by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in the Quran and Sunnah. Prophet Adam's foot print can be seen at Sri Pada Mounta…

Zainab Bint Ali (RA): A Life of History and Quotes

Muslim Creed - Zainab Bint Ali (RA) was the first child of Imam Hussain (RA) and his wife Zainab Bint Khuzaima (RA). She was named after her great-grandmother, Zainab Bint Ali (RA), the daughter o…

The Destruction of Aad: Why Allah Chose to annihilate an entire civilization

Muslim Creed - In the sixth chapter of the Qur’an, Allah mentions the destruction of Aad, a nation that lived long before Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, was even born. According to most Muslim…

Umar (RA) - The Creator of this Majestic Mosque

Muslimcreed - However not as well-known as the Prophet (PBUH) or his shut friend Abu Bakr, Umar ibn al-Khattab was probably the best Muslim leader after the Sahaba (RA). He was known as The One-Eye…

Knowing Ain Diseases We Need To Beware Of And How To Treat It

MUSLIMCREED - Hearing about other diseases, it seems familiar to the ears of Muslims, because some time ago it also became a public conversation. In contrast to other types of diseases, other disea…

The life history of the Prophet Saleh AS and the story of his missionary journey

Muslimcreed - For those of you who are Muslim, you must understand who it is and how many prophets and apostles must be known? Generally, the number of Prophets and Apostles that must be known is …